the perfect longevity diet: a guide based on Dr. Valter Longo's research

the perfect longevity diet: a guide based on Dr. Valter Longo's research

In the quest for a longer, healthier life, many turn to the guidance of experts like Dr. Valter Longo. Renowned for his research on longevity and healthy aging, Dr. Longo has devised a dietary plan that aims to promote longevity and reduce the risk of age-related diseases. This blog post will delve into the key components of Dr. Longo's longevity diet, tailored to adults, with special considerations for those over 65.

Embrace a Mostly Vegan Diet with Some Fish

Dr. Longo advocates for a predominantly vegan diet, complemented by modest portions of fish. The emphasis is on consuming high-quality fish, crustaceans, and mollusks that are rich in omega-3, omega-6, and vitamin B12, such as salmon, anchovies, sardines, cod, sea bream, trout, clams, and shrimp. It's crucial to select fish with low mercury levels to avoid potential health risks. Limit fish intake to no more than two to three meals per week.

Protein Intake: Age Matters

For Adults Under 65

For individuals under the age of 65, Dr. Longo recommends keeping protein intake low, at approximately 0.31 to 0.36 grams per pound of body weight. This translates to about 40 to 47 grams of protein per day for someone weighing 130 pounds, and 60 to 70 grams per day for those weighing between 200 to 220 pounds. The primary sources of protein should be plant-based, such as beans, chickpeas, green peas, and other legumes.

For Adults Over 65

As we age, maintaining muscle mass becomes more critical. Therefore, Dr. Longo suggests a slight increase in protein intake for those over 65. In addition to plant-based proteins, older adults should incorporate more fish, eggs, white meat, and products derived from goats and sheep into their diet. This adjustment helps to counteract the natural decline in muscle mass associated with aging.

Minimize Saturated Fats and Sugar, Maximize Good Fats and Complex Carbs

A key principle of Dr. Longo's longevity diet is to minimize the intake of saturated fats from both animal and vegetable sources (e.g., meat, cheese) and to reduce sugar consumption. Instead, focus on consuming healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Whole grains and a high intake of vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, and carrots should be staples. Additionally, incorporate generous amounts of olive oil (around three tablespoons per day) and nuts (about one ounce per day) into your diet.

High Vitamin and Mineral Content

Ensuring your diet is rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for longevity. Dr. Longo recommends supplementing your diet with a multivitamin every three days to fill any nutritional gaps.

Ancestral Eating

When selecting ingredients, consider those that your ancestors would have eaten. This approach often aligns with whole, minimally processed foods that are naturally nutrient-dense.

Meal Frequency and Timing

Dr. Longo’s dietary plan suggests tailoring your meal frequency to your weight, age, and abdominal circumference.

For Overweight Individuals or Those Prone to Weight Gain

  • Consume two meals a day (breakfast and either lunch or dinner), plus two low-sugar snacks (each with fewer than 5 grams of sugar and 100 calories).

For Individuals of Normal Weight, Prone to Weight Loss, or Over 65

  • Eat three meals a day, with one low-sugar snack (less than 3 to 5 grams of sugar and 100 calories).

Regardless of the number of meals, all eating should be confined to a twelve-hour period, such as from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Additionally, avoid eating within three to four hours of bedtime to support metabolic health.


Dr. Valter Longo's longevity diet offers a comprehensive approach to healthy aging, emphasizing a predominantly vegan diet with some fish, appropriate protein intake, minimizing unhealthy fats and sugars, and maintaining a high intake of vitamins and minerals. By following these guidelines and adjusting your diet according to age and weight, you can optimize your chances of living a longer, healthier life. Remember, longevity is not just about adding years to your life but also about adding life to your years.

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